Held from August 10th – 15th, this 6 day workshop is chock full of classes, workshops and photo adventures. The event starts off with back to back presentations by 5 ultra-talented photographers who will provide thought provoking discussions and slide shows that will educate and inspire. The kick-off presentation by Glenn Randal (www.glennrandall.com) is destined to be a great opportunity for the Auto-exposure only crowd seeking to get the most out of their cameras by learning the benefits and intricacies of going manual for maximum creative control. Grant Collier’s
presentation on night-time landscape photography (www.gcollier.com) will surely be a crowd pleaser. Grant’s portfolio and experience in shooting night-scapes under the stars is nearly unmatched. If you have ever experienced shutter-block ( my name for the photographers equivalent to writer’s block), Dan Ballard’s (www.danballardphotography.com/) presentation on unlocking your creative potential is sure to provide you with tools to expand your artistic vocabulary while providing some preventative medicine for those times when shutter-block show up.
There are many outstanding workshops available throughout the remaining 5 days and some are so promising they are virtually guaranteed to fill up fast. Click here to learn more and register for this event.
Reed Art & Imaging is proud to again sponsor the Colorado Photography Festival.