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Support Uploads
If you are sending a replacement file or your file is too large for our storefront,
please use a file service such as WeTransfer, TransferNow, or Firefox Send.
Please Include
- Your best daytime phone number.
- Pertinent details about the project.
- Send the links to your RCR contact’s email address or to TrueArt @
File Setup - Some Things You Should Know:
We want you to have the best possible photographic print or fine art reproduction with the least amount of difficulty. For an engaging experience with outstanding results, simply follow the instructions below!
Recommended Working Color Spaces
While we suggest that you convert to profile for all large format prints (Giclee) we provide you the freedom to submit your files in any color space you prefer. The table below shows our recommended working spaces.
Giclee | Large Format Photo (LightJet prints up to 49×120) | Enlargements and Proofs (Frontier prints up to 12×18) |
Recommended Working Color Space | Adobe 1998 or sRGB | Adobe 1998 or sRGB | sRGB |
A note on filenames
- File names must have the appropriate .tif or .jpg extension and must not contain characters such as: \ / :*?”|’~ $ spaces right before the period, bullets or foreign characters. These can play havoc with certain software and may result in your file not arriving or being printable.
Monitor Calibration and Color Profiles
- Let’s start with how you see your digital files. Every monitor is different and changes over time. It’s important to keep your monitor hardware-calibrated and as close to output reality as possible. The purchase of a quality colorimeter is a good investment.
- We calibrate our production displays using the X-Rite i1 colorimeter system. Our monitors are set to a gamma of 2.2 and a color temperature of 6500k with a contrast ratio not exceeding 300:1. We use Daylight balanced (5000k) illumination for color assessment unless you request otherwise. If you are ordering backlit trans, be sure to tell us the color temperature of the light box you are using – they vary widely.
- The best prints come from the best digital files. No amount of profiling will accurately compensate for poor exposure, over-worked corrections or inaccurate color. Profiles merely help with attaining a print that is truer to the actual content of the file. We strongly recommend using a properly calibrated display with the correct working space/output profile combination for a given printer or device. If you want to learn more: Color calibration information is available by clicking here.
- All instructions must be written legibly, verbal instructions will not be exclusively accepted. When supplying a file for output, job turn around times begin on the first business day when we have received all required elements to complete the job.
- Compress (zip archive) your fonts if you are uploading your files, or convert your text to outlines.
Please include:
- All screen and printer fonts
- Linked files
- Provide images in the proper color space as listed for each output device.
- Failure to properly set-up and include all necessary files MAY DELAY YOUR JOB! Any production time required to correct set-up errors, improper color-space, incorrect file type, proportions etc, may result in intervention charges billed at a $60 set-up fee, plus applicable hourly rates. All output pricing is based on the size required to print all data in your layout, including crop-marks, registration marks and bleed. Because we use a multi-platform network, it is imperative that file names be fully cross-platform compatible; no punctuation or extended characters such as bullets, trademark, slashes, dollar signs, commas, etc. Hyphens and underscores are acceptable.
Programs and Print Types
Layout files and or PDF are not printable on this device. Please convert your files to .jpg or .tif before submitting for small format printing.
We accept files from the most current versions of the most popular professional graphics and layout programs listed below. If you are using a different program for your work please submit your work as a high-quality RGB PDF with images and effects rendered to 300 PPI at print size.
These are items specific to the software you are using:
Adobe Photoshop
- Flattened, uncompressed tiff or max quality jpg or PSD.
- 8bit
- Adobe 1998 or sRGB.
- We reccomend converting to our profiles when applicable
- Provide images in the proper color space as listed for each device.
Adobe In-Design
- .indd, .eps, .pdf
- RGB preferred
- Please convert all text to outlines
- Include all screen and printer fonts
- Linked files
- A hard copy layout with a color reference if applicable. For uploaded files, please include a client approved PDF.
- Provide images in the proper color space as listed for each device.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then it will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will usually enlarge the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information.
- All screen fonts and printer fonts must be included or text converted to outlines.
- DO NOT use keyboard commands for bold or italic fonts.
- Use actual bold or italic fonts where applicable.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then it will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will usually enlarge the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information.
Adobe Illustrator
- .ai, .eps, .pdf
- RGB preferred
- Please convert all text to outlines
- All screen and printer fonts
- Linked files
- A hard copy layout with a color reference if applicable. For uploaded files, please include a client approved PDF.
- Provide images in the proper color space as listed for each device.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then it will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will usually the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information.
- All screen fonts and printer fonts must be included or text converted to outlines.
- DO NOT use keyboard commands for bold or italic fonts.
- Use actual bold or italic fonts where applicable.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then it will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will usually enlarge the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information.
- .eps, or .pdf only. We no longer support native Quark XPress files.
- RGB preferred
- Please convert all text to outlines
- All screen and printer fonts
- Linked files
- A hard copy layout with a color reference if applicable. For uploaded files, please include a client approved PDF.
- Provide images in the proper color space as listed for each output device.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then the bleed will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will enlarge the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information.
- All screen fonts and printer fonts must be included or text converted to outlines.
- DO NOT use keyboard commands for bold or italic fonts.
- Use actual bold or italic fonts where applicable.
- Whenever possible, prepare your layout to final size of output.
- If full size is not an option, please use a scaling of 50% or 25% .
- If bleed is not included within the document area then it will not be printed.
- If there is no bleed included, we will usually enlarge the print slightly to accommodate mounting.
- Please inform us of the final document print size, so the job is not delayed while we contact you for that information. We won’t simply trust the file’s layout dimensions.
Items specific to each output type.
Giclee photos on Photo Papers, canvas and watercolor
- The Giclee will print up to a 60 x 120 inch image area on a maximum paper size of 60 inches wide.
- Pigment Photo Papers, Watercolor paper or canvas,
- Raster Images should be supplied at a minimum resolution of 200 ppi at 100% of output size as RGB TIFF- Adobe 1998 or sRGB.
Please know that we can monitor and respond during our regular business hours: M-F 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Mountain time.