Denver’s Month of Photography is over. The scope and talent that the local art community brought to this global event was impressive, and, we would venture to say, as ambitious as many of the larger urban centers.
Local offerings were many and eclectic; from a fascinating presentation by Jay Kinghorm on current publishing models in multimedia; to Navajo artist Will Wilson’s exhibition and discussion of not-so-classic portraiture of Native Americans. And of course, The Big Picture Project, an event that Reed Art & Imaging was honored and excited to participate in.
The ‘wheat pastes’ will be coming down soon but anticipation is already high for the next go-around in 2015.
As a devotee of the local art and photography scene, Reed Art & Imaging would like to join with the rest of the art community in thanking everyone who sponsored, exhibited and attended this important and stimulating event.
A special thanks must go out to Mark Sink for his invaluable leadership in making The Denver Month of Photography a raging success!