Client Need:
The Solution:High quality large format graphics are both effective and affordable. Whether for short-term or permanent installations, the new line of Photo-Art Wallpaper products can improve your bottom line in many ways including employee moral and your client wow-factor. Imagine the ways this solution can improve your business.
The StoryMoving into a new space this client wanted something other than standard artwork on the walls. They were looking for something different, something big, bold and local. They also needed to cover 2 closets located within an “island” wall in the middle of the room. The island, about 8′ high x 3′ x 12′ was meant to break up a large open floor plan and to help give some privacy for client conferences. While the island brings functionality to the space, it needed to go from being a box to looking amazing. After having done some other amazing large-scale work for the architect designing this space, they knew right away who to call. Nothing fills a room like a huge mural so this photo-wallpaper was the obvious choice. They asked us to wrap the island in a black and white panoramic photo of downtown Denver to tie into their location. Eleven panels completely wrap the island and the clean, contemporary, and graphical look of this great black and white image is stunning.The result is that this bland box is now a decorative centerpiece that impresses clients and improves brand perception. And to liven up the employee break room they chose a brilliant color image of Red Rocks park that stretched from floor to ceiling and wall to wall for incredible impact. The employees enjoy upscale feel of the space and are more productive after their breaks. The Takeaway:High quality large format graphics can be both effective and affordable. Whether for short term or permanent installations the new line of Photo-Art Wallpaper products can help improve your bottom-line and your company brand in many ways; including employee moral and your client wow factor. Have a question about how this solution can take your space from boring to stand-out impressive?Give us a call to speak with one of our TrueArt Professionals about this or any of our other |